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MySQL Database Management Module
by Kenneth Richards - Tuesday, September 14, 2004
from the Development dept.

As part of the new release of ASP Nuke is a MySQL table management feature that allows you to browse the list of all tables in the database, create new database tables, drop existing tables, alter existng tables or dump all of the data contained within a table. While this is mainly for my development purposes, it should also serve module developers and programmers who wish to modify the ASP Nuke application.

At a glance, you can see a summary report of all of the tables defined including the amount of storage space each table is using. This way you can track the amount of space you are using. This is especially important if you are hosting with a third-party which limits the amount of storage you can use.

You can even alter table definitions that already have data rows (limited to the restrictions that MySQL puts on the ALTER TABLE command.) Your changes take effect immediately and you can see the changes by viewing the table definition.

While this is not a full-fledged MySQL management tool, it should give you all of the basic functionality needed when working with the MySQL database. The database schema is deliberately kept simple to facilitate porting the database commands to other database servers. In the future, we will post an outline for the acceptable database constructs used in the ASP Nuke environement.

Look forward to this in the new release of ASP Nuke which will be coming out VERY soon. I have created the database setup scripts for MySQL and should have the new release out tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and continued support.


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