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Code Release Happening Soon (I Promise)
attraverso Kenneth Richards - Friday, October 10, 2003
dal Development dipartimento

Well, today is the day for the big code release. There are still a few things that need to be finished before the code will finally be released. I have been feeling a bit under-the-weather lately and haven't got as much done as I had hoped. With any luck, the code will be released later tonight (Pacific Standard Time GMT +8).

I spent a lot of time going through the code and cleaning up the admin interface to make it consistant throughout. I also filled in some of the admin pages that were missing. I'm sure you will notice that there are a lot of things missing from the release.

Some of the things that are missing or incomplete are the profiles for the message forums. IP banning / restrictions for the polls and the entire site. Moderation for the comment system and a theme management system.

Another one of the items that are missing is the site updater which I hoped to have ready for the first release. This has been started but there's a little bit of work required in order to finish this (well at least to get it into a usable state.) It will be nowhere neare the full spec described in the documentation but should have enough features to allow you to update the site updater as updates become available.

I am not sure if a delay will be required before the first release. But rest assured, I will be working my ass off to make sure a release is done very soon. God willing, it will be no later than this weekend. I am not saying that I won't get this code released before the end of today, just that I am considering delaying it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Any questions or comments, or suggestions are welcomed.

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Sept 19, 2003


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